This is the place where I asked for a paragraph describing what the presentation would be about, to generate interest among our members. If you found the description interesting, you might consider attending the meeting.
That did not happen again this month. So would you Please join our meeting, you can always leave if you find it not to your liking. (25 September 2022)
Fortunately Dan Delong stepped up to provide this update, taken from the speakers' page, for our 13 October 2022 meeting description. (04 October 2022)
"Where money doesn't have to speak and you still want quality software, learn about many alternative programs that you can get for free to do your computing tasks. Many of these programs are cross-platformed (meaning they have versions for Windows, Macs, and Linux) so it's easy to share files with just about anyone." John Kennedy, East Central Ohio Technology Users Club
The Club would still like everyone to join our meeting, no pressure. We think this presentation will be interesting to most of our members.
The Club's General Meetings are held the second Thursday of each month at Faith United Church, 1778 Nash Road in Courtice, 7:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend.