Meeting Date

March 09, 2017

Introduction to the Tools and Techniques of Car Hacking
a presentation by John Kost

You will be introduced to the available tools out in the marketplace that let the tinkering sort of car enthusiast gain more insight into modern automobiles.

We'll start with the basics of jacking into the OBD-II (Diagnostics Port) and doing simple things like understanding fault codes and even resetting them thus avoiding a trip to a dealership.

Then we will delve deeper into the typical ECU (Engine Control Unit) and demystify things even further.

For the seasoned assembly language folk, we'll cover disassembly of the ROM firmware and get into some deeper techniques on finding out how things really work under the hood and finding vulnerabilities. We will touch on snooping the automotive CAN network as well.

If time permits, we'll also cover some of the threat vectors consumers face with regards to having their car hacked.

The Club's General Meetings are held the second Thursday of each month at Faith United Church, 1778 Nash Road in Courtice, 7:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Durham PC Users' Club Contacts:
Position Available - Program Director, 905-723-6797
John Sylvestervich - President, 905-723-6797
Anne Delong - Vice President 905-623-6975
Bob Bell - Publicity Director 905-571-6748
